Brotherhood Anglican Churchmen members from across the Diocese met on April 27th at the Church of St. James the Apostle in Wallaceburg for their Annual Conference. Respecting Indigenous Cultures was the theme of the conference and speakers Rev. Canon Laverne Jacobs, Bryan Loucks, Myrna Kicknosway and the Rev Mark Loyal delivered. We learned a lot!
Is the glass half full or half empty? A hydro outage for 5 hours challenged the participants and the organizers – but GOD provided. A generator that shouldn’t have been there, was – and the conference went on without a hitch, Well, without too many hitches. Participants had the opportunity to enjoy Camp Coffee and Tea, a full Lunch and Banquet. The BAC will remember the conference of 2019.
The BAC encourages all to go to and watch the resource Doctrine of Discovery and begin the conversation in your church about our church’s relationship with the Indigenous community and their culture.