The name of this organization shall be
The Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen in the Diocese of Huron.
To build a growing Christian Community in which the men of the Diocese may receive spiritual refreshment, share Christian fellowship and concerns with one another, and be encouraged to:
1. WITNESS – Show by a living example our belief in our faith;
2. UNITE – Unite Anglican Churchmen in a common effort by encouraging an appreciation of and a loyalty toward the whole Church;
3. GROW – Pledge ourselves to regular Church attendance and to active participation in the life and work of our Church;
4. LEAD – Aid and encourage all the youth of our Church to play their full part in the Church’ s life;
5. EXTEND – Render all possible assistance to Church extension, by bringing the Cross of Christ to un-churched hearts and places.
There shall be an Honorary President who shall be the Bishop of the Diocese and Honorary Vice-President(s) who shall be the Bishop(s) Co-adjutor and/or Suffragan of the Diocese, and they shall be members ex-officio of all committees.
There shall be a Chaplain who shall be appointed by the Bishop and who shall be accorded all rights and privileges of membership.
In addition, there shall be the following elected officers:
(a) President,
(b) First Vice-President,
(c) Second Vice-President,
(d) Recording Secretary,
(e) Treasurer,
(f) Membership and Communications Secretary.

There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the elected officers, the Chaplain, and the Immediate Past-President.
There shall be an Executive Council consisting of the Executive Committee and the Presidents of the Deanery Brotherhoods, and one other representative from each Deanery who shall be elected by that Deanery.
The Deanery Presidents and the Deanery Representatives shall each be directly responsible to the President for Executing the general policies of the Brotherhood, particularly those affecting membership, finance, public relations and publicity, in the Deanery they represent.
The Executive Council shall:
(a) direct the affairs of the Brotherhood;
(b) Cause a budget to be prepared at the beginning of each year;
(c) approve the incurring of expenses in the name of the Brotherhood;
(d) fill all vacancies in office occurring between Annual Meetings;
(e) have the power to convene general meetings of the Brotherhood;
(f) fill any vacancies existing in Deanery representation where said Deanery has failed to elect representatives; and
(g) may delegate to the Executive Committee authority to conduct the affairs of the Brotherhood.
There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of the Past-Presidents of the Diocesan Executive Council and which shall be chaired by the Second Vice-President or such other person as may be appointed by the President.
The Advisory Committee shall consider and make recommendations on such matters as may be referred to it from time to time by the President or on such matters as it may deem appropriate.
THE PRESIDENT shall preside at all Annual and Special Meetings of the Diocesan Chapter of the Brotherhood, as well as at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Executive Council, and shall perform the duties usual to the office of President. He shall be a member ex-officio of all Diocesan Committees of the Brotherhood.
THE VICE-PRESIDENTS shall assume the executive duties at the direction of the President in his absence, and shall assist him in directing the overall policies of the Brotherhood. They shall also assume any other duties delegated by the President.
a) keep the minutes of all meetings of the Diocesan Brotherhood, Executive Committee and Executive Council, and distribute them as considered advisable;
b) notify members of their appointment or election to standing or special’ committees;
c) collect and preserve all books, papers, letters and documents relatIng to, or of interest to, the Brotherhood;
d) perform such other duties in the nature of his office as may be assigned to him by the President, the Executive Committee, or Executive Council.
a) have custody of the funds of the Brotherhood, which funds shall be deposited with a bank or trust company which is a member of the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation;
b) report at each Annual Meeting and at each meeting of the Executive Committee or Executive Council, upon the financial standing of the Brotherhood;
c) perform such other duties as the nature of his office may require, or as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee or the Executive Council.
a) in October of each year, mail membership forms to each Chapter;
b) receive annual membership lists and fees from Chapters and transfer those fees to the Treasurer;
c) maintain a correct listing of members and Chapters, along with a listing of Chapter Secretaries;
d) maintain a correct listing of members of Diocesan Council;

e) establish and maintain regular communications with every Chapter in the Diocese and with members of Diocesan Council;
f) make regular reports to Diocesan Council on his areas of responsibility;
g) perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee or Executive Council.
The Auditor(s) shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Brotherhood. They shall audit the books and accounts of the Brotherhood, and submit a report to the Annual Meeting.
Membership shall be open to men and boys who subscribe to the Aims and Objects of the Brotherhood, and who have paid their membership fees. Members shall be issued a membership card which shall be uniform throughout the Diocese. A membership pin will be available for purchase by the members.
Clergymen of the Anglican Church of Canada, resident in the Diocese, shall be encouraged to participate in all activities of the Brotherhood. They shall be welcome at all functions and meetings which they are able to attend and shall be accorded full rights and privileges of membership.
The annual membership fees shall be set by the membership at the Annual Meeting, and shall be due and payable on December 31st for the ensuing membership year.
Any member of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen in the Diocese, in good standing, shall be eligible for election to any office.
All elected positions shall be for a one-year term. The President, the first Vice-President, and the Second Vice-President shall not hold their respective offices for more than two years in succession. This restriction shall not apply to the Secretaries or to the Treasurer.
The consent of the nominee shall be obtained before his nomination.
The President shall appoint, prior to each Annual Meeting, a Nominating ADVANCE \u 1Committee of three to five members to be selected by him.
The Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for each of the following offices: President; First Vice-President; Second Vice-President; Recording Secretary; Treasurer; Membership and Communications Secretary; Auditor(s).
The Nominating Committee shall submit its report at the Annual Meeting. Further nominations from the floor shall be requested.
After nominations are closed, the method of voting shall be decided by a motion of the membership.. Only members present at the Annual Meeting shall be entitled to vote.
The Annual Meeting of the Brotherhood shall be held not later than April 30th. It shall be convened at the call of the President, and at such time and place as may be designated by the Executive Committee. It shall receive the reports of the Officers and Committees of the Brotherhood and deal with all other general or specific matters relating to the affairs of the Brotherhood.
Notice of all Annual and Special Meetings shall be given through all Chapter Presidents and members of Executive Council not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the date set for such meetings. Said notice shall include the date, time and place for such meetings and shall also include notice of such business as is to be dealt with.
The Executive Council shall meet from time to time at the call of the President, or upon receipt by the President of written request from five (5) members of Council.
Twenty-five (25) members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Diocesan Brotherhood.
Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Council.
Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee.
At all meetings, each member present shall have one vote. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have the authority to cast a deciding ballot.
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended, repealed or added to at any Annual or Special General Meeting of the Brotherhood upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present ADVANCE \d 2, ADVANCE \u 2provided the full text of such proposed amendments, repeals or additions shall have been given to ADVANCE \u 1all Chapters at least thirty (30) days before the date of such meeting, and ADVANCE \d 1 provided notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with the provision in Article 10.
Proposed amendments, repeals or additions must be in the hands of the Recording Secretary at least sixty (60) days prior to such Annual or Special Meeting.
The fiscal year of the Diocesan Brotherhood shall be from January 1st to December 31st.
Revised approved at Annual Meeting – 2012 Conference
April 21, 2012